Chirashi sushi (Vialone Nano rice)

The exotic

Discover how to prepare the chirashi sushi, a variation of the classic sushi version, with a name of its own which means “scattered sushi”

Rice vinegar – as needed
King Prawns 4
Eggs 4
Vialone Nano rice 400 grams
Wasabi – as needed
Peanut oil – as needed
Salt – as needed
Salmon roe 50 grams
Soy sauce – as needed
Sugar – as needed
Sea bass fillet 600 grams
Mackerel 4
Fish broth 075 deciliters
Squid 1

Preparing the mackerel for chirashi sushi
The first thing to do when preparing chirashi sushi is to marinate the mackerel. Brush the 4 fillets of mackerel on both the sides with salt. Then place them for about 30 minutes on a cooling rack.
Get a bowl and add ½ liter of vinegar, dissolve 3 tablespoons of sugar and 2 teaspoons of salt in the vinegar. Wash and dip the mackerel fillets into the vinegar for about 1 hour. After this time, dry the mackerels.

Preparing the frittata for chirashi sushi

Whisk the eggs with the broth along with 1 tablespoon of soy sauce and a pinch of salt and sugar. Pour the mixture into a hot frying pan and grease with a little oil. Cook the frittata for 2 minutes on each side and, once cooled, cut into diamond shapes.

Preparing the wasabi leaves for chirashi sushi

Get 8 teaspoons of wasabi powder and mix with a little water until you get a smooth and homogeneous paste.
Divide the wasabi paste into 4 pieces and form a cylinder with each piece. Pinch one of the two ends of the cylinder so as to form the “stalk” of the leaves.
At this point, using the flat side of a knife, flatten the pieces of wasabi and create the shape of a leaf. You can create the typical leaf veins effect on the surface of the leaves by using the knife’s blade.

Preparing the squid and other fish for chirashi sushi

Cut the squid pouch into rings. Shell the prawns, leaving the tail, cut the back end and remove the black thread.
To give the dish an artistic touch, you can also place 4 pieces of sliced cucumber on it.

Preparing and cooking the rice for chirashi sushi

Rinse the rice thoroughly under cold running water until the water appears clear. Place the rice in a saucepan with 1/2 liter of water, bring to a boil and cook it for roughly 10-12 minutes. Now cover it with a cloth and let it rest for 15 minutes.
Get a bowl and dissolve 1 dl of vinegar along with 30 g of sugar and a little salt in it. Place the rice in a wet bowl and stretch it out. Pour the vinegar into the bowl along with the rice, a little at a time, stirring well while fanning it.

How to serve chirashi sushi
At this point, distribute the rice along with the fish fillets, frittata, mackerel, king prawns, salmon roe, squid, wasabi leaves and the cucumbers into the separate bowls.
Now that your chirashi sushi is ready, you can serve rice and raw fish placing it in the plates.

Taken from myCukBuk –